Wednesday, September 21, 2011


YES, PRIME MINISTER ,( did U C --'Yes Prime Monoster' of B B C ?):
Then U would - Know
How things happen in yor Ministry or Corruption Grow
with friends like MiNISH , -tawari or not
who regrets every 4th day only when, caught
'Or, your Anubob Sing -i or some thing so
with vitriolic tongue lashing to and fro !
You have even a KICHAK like Duroyodhan -days
He squints focus like an falcon , His master's voice
Enough for your trouble round the clock
yourself R bound by strings pulled all ways or locked
Scams and schemes are the or cyber scope
or plundering the Mother Earth -- remaining Hope
Krishna cum Kaveri -OIL, Made you Rich
Nothing matters, - so long ,there's Speech - writer's 'speech'.

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