Tuesday, September 13, 2011

" MY kingdom for my horse" - Shakeapeare

Cash-for-votes: No bail for Amar Singh today
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: September 13, 2011 14:43 IST
New Delhi: Politician Amar Singh, currently at AIIMS, has not been granted bail. Mr Singh, who is a Rajya Sabha MP, was arrested last week and moved to Tihar Jail.
Oh lord ! Is this the re-ward in return
I helped so much ,the Minority Side
to turn it to Majority Lord !

So UN-grateful, UN-grate -ful friends
No ! ----trairors they are
and none to come to my side
when I did so much !

My kingdom for my BAIL , I, now, promie
What ? -none to beiieve !!

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